BCI Home
BCI’s office hours are 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday. BCI is closed weekends and state holidays.Private Investigator/Bail Bond Review Board Positions
The Bureau of Criminal Identification (BCI) is accepting applications to serve on the Private Investigator/Bail Bond Review Board for a term of four years. The duties and description of the board are found in UCA § 53-11-104. There is one position available at this time.
- Owner of a Bail Bond surety company – UCA § 53-11-104(f) – Apply
The board meets every three months. The duties of the Board are described in UCA § 53-11-105.
Applicants will be required to submit a resume. If you are interested in serving on this board, please CLICK on the “Apply” link next to the position you are interested in and provide the requested contact information. Please email Mindy at mlinqui@utah.gov with your resume and any questions.
This position will remain open until filled.
HB226 – Private Party Firearm Sale Permit Verification and Stolen Firearm Check
This website, authorized in UCA 76-10-526.1, allows individuals selling a firearm to verify the purchaser of the firearm has a valid Utah concealed firearm permit. It also allows the purchaser to verify if the firearm has been reported stolen.
Temporary Voluntary Firearms Restriction List
Per UCA 53-5c-301, a person who is not a firearms-restricted person may request to be added to a Temporary Voluntary Firearms Restriction List. The forms and instructions to be added or removed from this list can be found here. If you are submitting the request through your health care provider, you can now submit the form with electronic signatures, via DocuSign.
Expungement and Record Section Appointments
If you would like to schedule an appointment with the Expungement or Record section, please click the link below or scan the QR code.

Don’t Fall for Scams
BCI has become aware of people receiving text messages and emails telling them to renew their Concealed Firearm Permit by clicking on a link provided in the text message or email. BCI will never solicit information via text message. If you receive one of these messages, DO NOT click on any link provided.
The only way to renew your permit online is through bci.utah.gov (this page).
Fingerprint Services
(Livescan, digital printed, or wet ink fingerprints available)
ATTENTION: For your protection, masks are recommended when being fingerprinted at BCI.
Fingerprinting Services (Non-criminal fingerprints only. BCI cannot provide criminal or court-ordered fingerprinting services. Applications for Utah Criminal History and Expungements do not require appointment)
Fingerprinting services are by appointment only. To schedule an appointment, please click here.
A face covering or mask is recommended for anyone being fingerprinted. You will be required to wash your hands before being fingerprinted. Please do not schedule an appointment if you have had any of the following symptoms within the past 24 hours:
- Fever or Feeling Feverish (chills, sweating, etc.)
- Shortness of Breath
- Cough
- Sore Throat
- Loss of Taste or Smell
- Diarrhea
- Nausea
- Vomiting
Only the person being fingerprinted is allowed in the fingerprint room. Exceptions will be made for interpreters or individuals requiring physical assistance.
Utah AMBER Alert
View active Utah AMBER Alert photos and information
View photos and information about Utah’s Missing Persons
Concealed Firearm Permit Renewal
Please use caution and do not renew your Utah CFP through any site other than the official Utah DPS site. We have received notification that there are other websites that indicate that you can renew your Utah Concealed Firearm Permit (CFP). These are not connected in any way to the Utah renewal website. Please be aware that the only website to renew your Utah CFP is: https://secure.utah.gov/concealed-firearms.
New Online Services
Register to Receive Protective Order (PO) Service Notification
Register to receive notification when a PO has been served. This service is for petitioners and other interested parties. Requires specific PO information.
Potential Fraud Alert
The Utah Department of Public Safety has become aware of scammers calling from what appears to be a State government number and identifying themselves as BCI Officers. The “officer” then advises the call recipient they have warrants for their arrest and offers to allow them to pay the warrant. THIS IS A SCAM! The Utah Bureau of Criminal Identification does not advise people of warrants by phone and will never request payment of warrant fines.
If you are contacted as a part of this scam you may report it to the Federal Trade Commission at www.ftc.gov and/or to the FBI at www.ic3.gov. If you’ve been a victim of this scam it should be reported to your local law enforcement agency.
Utah Bureau of Criminal Identification
4315 South 2700 West Suite 1300 Taylorsville, UT 84129 (801) 965-4445